Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Two Cent Tuesday: Super 8

Welcome to Two Cent Tuesday where I give my two cents on a movie.  This week I will give my two cents about Super 8.  The new movie directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Steven Spielberg.
Super 8 is about a group of kids in 1979 who are trying to make a movie using their parents Super 8 camera.  They sneak out one night to try and shoot a seen at a train station where they end up witnessing a horrible train accident.  After his accident weird things start happening in there quiet little town and they may have evidence of it on their camera from the accident.  It is up to these kids to figure out what monster was inside the train and has been unleashed on their town. 

The movie is a lot of fun.  It is meant as a throwback to early Spielberg movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET and Jaws.  For me it reminds me of another movie Spielberg produced and I loved as a kid The Goonies.  Just about ordinary kids going on this incredible adventure. In The Goonies it is after pirate treasure in Super 8 it is after an alien.  Still lots of fun. The kids in the movie are really cool.  Each has their own personality and while they may be stereotypical they are still a lot of fun.  The creature is OK it doesn't bring anything really new to the alien genre and the ending is a little cheesy on how they finally defeat the alien.  But the movie is really about kids having a good time and the adventure they go through.  During the credits they show the zombie movie the kids are making during the rest of the movie.  It is definitely worth sticking around for.
Overall a fun adventure movie that reminds me of the movies I loved as a kid.  B+

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