Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two Cent Tuesday: Paranormal Activity 2


So here is my two cents on Paranormal Activity 2.

I was pretty excited to watch this movie as I loved the first one which was really creepy and an original take on the haunted house genre.  Typical with sequels this one failed to live up to the first one.

This was more of a prequel to the first one as we see the same characters from the first one before they experience their haunting.  This movie focuses on the family of the sister of the girl from the first movie.  If you have seen the first one you know the basic plot of this one. A family sets up a security camera and ends up capturing weird things happening in the house.

Now I don’t know if it is because I saw the first one in the theatre and I watched this on DVD during the daylight, or that I was kind of tired when I watched the movie, but this one seemed much slower than the first one.  I know the first one built up the tension and it was just little things that happened at first but this one seemed to take longer to get to the bigger stuff or the little things that happened just weren’t scary(oh no the pool vacuum cleaner is haunted scary).  Like I said I was tired when I watched but this movie didn’t help  I had trouble staying awake.  And even when things started to really get going it still didn’t have that punch the first one did.  Basically the only scary part was with the dog and you didn’t get to see anything.  I did  like how they tried to explain what happened in the first one and even left the movie open for another sequel which I am pretty sure will come out this Halloween but overall I felt this one was just boring and didn’t have the tension the first one did.  Rating D.

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