Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Disney Movie Challenge Bonus: Maleficent (2014)

Disney Movie Challenge Bonus


Disney films have had some iconic villains. There is the evil stepmother in Cinderella, the Evil Queen in Snow White, and Cruella DeVille in 101 Dalmatians. But the first to get their own film is Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty (although a Cruella movie is in the works).  This film is a twist on the animated story from the villain's perspective.  We start with a backstory on who  Maleficent was, and learn why she has such hatred for King Stefan.  After Maleficent curses Aurora we see more about the 16 years that pass from when Aurora is born till she falls asleep.  

The movie begins explaining that Maleficent was the greatest of the fairies and had the largest wings.  We also learn that there has been a war between the fairies and humans for a long time.  But when a child wanders into the Moors where the fairies live, Maleficent befriends him.  The child turns out to be Stefan and he visits her often and she trusts him.  But as he grows so does his ambition.    His desire to become king leads him to realize that if he killed Maleficent the current king would give his crown to him.  When he returns to the Moors Maleficent welcomes him back and they have a pleasant evening reacquainting.  She does not know his evil intentions.  But when she falls asleep he realizes he doesn’t have it in him to kill her so he just takes off her wings as a trophy.  This works and he becomes king.  But when Maleficent realizes she has been betrayed she sets out for revenge.  This is where we get the familiar curse and the three good fairies hiding Aurora away.  But it is also where the story shifts from the animation version.  Maleficent knows where Aurora is the whole time but hides in the background and observes Aurora as she grows.  The more she observes her the more she realizes that the three good fairies are incompetent and has to use her magic to protect Aurora.  Aurora realized that Maleficent is there and thinks that Maleficent is her Fairy Godmother.  A friendship develops between Aurora and Maleficent and Maleficent changes her mind on the curse but it can’t be undone.  In the end on her 16th birthday the curse takes fruition and the King does everything she can to kill Maleficent.  But, it is Maleficent's kiss that awakens Aurora, not a kiss from the prince.  With the help of Aurora, Maleficent is able to escape and return to the Moors and restore it to the peaceful place it once was.  

The beginning of this movie is really interesting and a fun backstory.  It was cool to see the villains side of the story and to turn her into a sympathetic character.  But once she curses Aurora and then starts stalking her it becomes a bit odd.  It’s never really clear why she feels the need to start watching her all the time or why she felt the need to intervene when the three fairies started to neglect her.  It’s easy to see why Aurora would think that Maleficent is her Fairy Godmother and it was nice to see Maleficent have have a change of heart.  Still the whole part of the film felt odd.  The end became an epic battle and Aurora got to really play a part in it.  

One of the things I remember reading about Maleficent when it first came out was how Stefan's betrayal of Maleficent was symbolic of a woman being raped.  It’s an interesting comparison and you can easily see how the imagery of a man taking what he wants from a woman while she is vulnerable can be interpreted as a rape.  Looking at the film from that point of view gives the film a whole new context about moving on from a tragic incident and finding peace again.  I would be interested in hearing if anyone else has theories on this or what people think.  

One of the things that happens when watching an adaption of a film so close to the watching of the original film is it becomes obvious the changes that were made. The the most disappointing difference is how the three good fairies are portrayed.  In the animated film they were the heroes of the movie.  While they might have been silly and goofy they weren’t incompetent.  In Maleficent they are grossly incompetent and almost let Aurora die a number of times.  I’m guessing to give Maleficent a more motherly role but I feel they could have done that without making them complete idiots. A their names were changed and their blessings were changed to wishes.   Of course the big change was the True Love’s Kiss at the end.  And this is a bit of an odd one that while definitely a surprise ending I’m not sure worked as well as they were hoping.  It was Maleficent’s sidekick Diaval’s quote that threw me off.  As Aurora wakes up he says “No Truer Love”.  I assume he means motherly kiss.  While it became clear throughout the film that Maleficent cared deeply for Aurora I’m not sure I got the feeling she felt like Aurora’s adoptive mother.  And if you don’t get the feeling that Maleficent feels like Aurora’s adoptive mother then the whole scene doesn't work.  

Overall:A sort of uneven film.  Had a pretty violent beginning and end, but the middle was kind of just weird.  I enjoyed this one but again maybe watching it so close in time with the animated film skewed my opinion.  

Random Facts

Angelina Jolie’s daughter was cast as young Aurora because all other children were afraid of her when she was in costume.

Nominated for best costume Oscar.

Last film legendary special makeup artist Rick Baker did before retiring from the film business. 

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